Monday, July 9, 2018

Decrease Inflammation and Increase Beauty from the Inside Out

  Real healing takes place when we look at the entire body and the interconnectedness of all the organs of the body and how helping one organ function better the other organs may well improve their function better.
Inflammation is the cause of much discomfort in the body. Decreases inflammation helps joints, skin and even the brain. Learn about OPC-3 here and how you can decrease inflammation which will "rock your world" in a good way.

Learn more about Isotonix

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Pain Free with Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are safe for young and old. The do not interfere with medications and they are NOT addicting. Choosing what works is the key. The key to that is looking at symptoms when we speak of painful conditions. Here is a synopsis of some great remedies for pain.

Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana is the most well known homeopathic pain medicine. It is fantastic for muscle inflammation of all kinds. You can take Arnica orally or apply directly to a sore area. Even John Wayne recommended Arnica in the Movie "McClintock"

Ledum  is for stabbing pain. It may feel like a knife is going into you. It is also a great remedy for puncture wounds. It has been used for tetanus as well.

Rhus  Tox is for muscle pain that improves with movement. This often works for arthritis that has the characteristic of feeling stiff in the morning but gets better as you move around during your day.

Bryonia  is for pain that is worse from movement. Changing position, walking, coughing, turning. The pain is often in the low back. Bryonia is well known for helping with digestive disorders as well. It helps with dry painful stool or hard dry cough. Often the person or animal that needs Bryonia is  thirsty.  Another painful condition that Bryonia works amazingly well for is horses that founder. Founder is a lameness in horses that has a root cause of digestive problems causing the horses foot to swell.

Dulcamara  pain has stiffness and chills often felt in the back. It often occurs during cold damp weather, especially if the person gets wet and chilled. This pain is usually worse from bending over.

Hypericum Perforatum is great for nerve pain of all kinds. It is arnica for the nerves. I have used it for toothaches, neuralgia, repair of nerves after surgery, etc. If you have a condition where the nerves are affected try Hypericum. I have seen the severe tremors of Parkinson's disappear with the use of Hypericum. If you have any kind of shooting pain or pain that is worse than it looks like it should be try Hypericum for it. From injuries to neuralgia to brain injury. It also has the side effect of helping anxiety and depression! It is made from the St. John's Wort plant, an herb well known for depression.

Aesculus is helpful for pain in the low back when standing up from the sitting position. The sacrum is often effected. Well known for helping with the pain of hemorrhoids.

Magnesium Phosphoricum or Mag Phos is a great remedy for muscle cramps of all kinds. It is even helpful with menstrual cramps. It also helps stabbing headaches.

These are just a few of many remedies that may be used for pain. The symptoms I describe are mainly the physical ones. It is interesting to look at entire "picture" of a remedy and see the mental, physical and constitutional areas of remedies that are available.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Pain Free with Bowen Therapy

You may achieve Living Pain Free with Bowen Therapy. This gentle, effective, noninvasive touch therapy that stimulates the body's ability to heal itself describes the character of Bowen Therapy. Young, old, and pregnant individuals can be helped with Bowen Therapy. It can be done through loose clothing.

Helping others give me great joGentl
I have helped folks with shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain, knee pain and ankle pain. Pregnant people love this gentle touch therapy. Plantar fasciitis typically heals with three treatments. 

It works by releasing restrictions in the soft tissues. The moves cross meridian lines, release fascia and access the autonomic (automatic) nervous system. Energy flows through the body as a person relaxes for a few minutes after each set of gentle moves. 

Traditionally a session will last an hour with the client receiving several gentle moves over soft tissues. Then you allow the client to relax by themselves for a few minutes as those tissues release. Then the practitioner makes a few more moves. 

My first success was when I practiced on an old friend after my first class. She wrote me an email a week later saying she could lay on the floor and both shoulders would hit the floor at the same time. It had been 11 years since she had 2 shoulder surgeries and she had not been able to lay flat in all that time. She didn't even realize the change until she laid on the floor to exercise! 

I used Bowen Therapy to keep my elderly Mom actively moving after ankle sprains. I did what I call walking Bowen if she started rubbing her back while we were walking. 

To schedule a time for an appointment click on an  available date on the calender and schedule an appointment!

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